Medivia Pharma Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzy (Parabolan) 100 Mg 10 Ml

Original price was: $ 34,10.Current price is: $ 34,10.
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Product information

Product information

Medivia Pharma is one of the leading steroid manufacturers in Turkey, offering its customers quality steroids. One of the company's most popular steroid products is Parabolan. This steroid is almost identical to trenbolone acetate, but because it has a longer ester, it stays in the body longer. Another name for Parabolan is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and it is the strongest among the steroid groups. Parabolan can be used for both cutting and bulking cycles.

The use of Parabolan is very popular among athletes. This steroid helps to rapidly reduce fat and increase muscle density. Also, Parabolan does not convert to estrogen since it is not aromatic. However, the use of Parabolan can cause some side effects.

Parabolan Usage and Dosage

For beginner athletes, it is recommended to use between 76.5 mg and 153 mg per week. For advanced athletes, it is recommended to use between 153 mg and 306 mg per week. Parabolan has a half-life of 6 days, so an injection every 6 days is recommended.

Medivia Pharma Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzy Price How Much?

Medivia pharma trenbolone hexahydrobenzy (parabolan) 100mg 10ml price:

$ 34,10

Parabolan Side Effects

The use of Parabolan may cause some side effects. These include acne, cough, trouble sleeping, feeling tired and sweating. Therefore, it is recommended to talk to your doctor before using Parabolan.

Parabolan provides positive effects to athletes when used correctly. However, it should be used with caution due to its side effects. Medivia Pharma performs quality control tests in Parabolan, as in all steroid products, and offers the opportunity to verify its products on its own website. Customers can verify the authenticity of products through Medivia Check.

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Shipping & Payment

  1. You can make the payment by bank transfer and eft.
  2. We have delivery by special courier within Istanbul, the fee belongs to the buyer.
  3. Shipping is free over €200.
  4. We send the products protected with styrofoam box and ice to keep them cold for 3 days.
  5. All products sold on our site are original and guaranteed.

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